18 Feb

All-on-4® dental implants are made of titanium, a titanium alloy and zirconium oxide materials. The titanium component in All-on-4® dental implants acts as the substructure for the teeth and is in direct contact with the bone. The titanium is shaped to form a clasp that attaches to the zirconium oxide, covering and supporting dentures or natural teeth. The zirconium oxide creates an interface between the gums, natural teeth, and new implant crowns, fusing them during healing.

The dental implant can be made of 3 materials: A titanium alloy, a zirconium oxide dental material, or pure zirconium oxide. Each material has its own pros and disadvantages.

Today's most common material used in All-on-4® dental implants is titanium alloy, and some doctors will use it exclusively. Pure zirconium oxide is more brittle than the titanium alloy, requiring a higher skill level to place well. Zirconium oxide is more forgiving of implant placement mistakes than titanium alloy and has lower levels of surface porosity. Unfortunately, this allows bacteria to hide from antibacterial rinses and cause infection problems for the patient.

    • Titanium

All-on-4® implants are made of a titanium alloy. Zirconium oxide is added to the implant's substructure, a part that directly touches the surrounding bone, to create a strong bond. Titanium is solid metal with outstanding properties for implant material. It has an excellent strength to weight ratio and is anti-allergenic so that it won't trigger allergic reactions in patients. The titanium also resists corrosion and has a very low coefficient of thermal expansion.

Titanium dental implants are solid, but they're not perfect. The main drawback with titanium All-on-4® dental implants is that they can break, especially if they are not placed correctly or if patients don't use the proper care habits. Other than breakage, one of the main concerns with titanium dental implants is that they can cause allergic reactions in patients.

    • Zirconium oxide

The zirconium oxide component covers the exposed titanium substructure and protects it from corrosion. Zirconium oxide is also used to fuse the teeth or dentures to the titanium substructure with natural jawbone material.

Next Smile Wollongong provides the best treatment and care for your dental health. It is also an All-on-4® dental centre. If you need All-on-4® implants, visit their website or get in touch with them

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