18 Nov

All-on-4® dental implants are meant to last a lifetime. However, some of them do not last due to various reasons. So, how do you ensure that your All-on-4® dental implants last forever?

  • Choose the right dentist

You might be thinking, 'but all dentists are the right dentists." Yes, all dentists are okay when it comes to oral health. But not all dentists specialise in dental implants or All-on-4® with dental implants. To conduct this procedure, you have to have the proper training and experience. Hence it is essential to choose the right dentist. With the right dentist, it is very unlikely that any positioning, alignment or nerve damage will occur. Also, the dentist who has specialised in All-on-4® will choose high-quality materials to make your replacement teeth.

  • Keep the implants healthy

After the procedure is done, it is now up to you to ensure that your teeth last forever. It all starts from the recovery period. Follow the instructions given by your dentist, such as eating soft foods for the first few weeks.

  • Take care of your implants

Take care of your All-on-4®, just like your natural teeth. It means brush them after every meal or at least twice a day. Be gentle but thorough when cleaning them. Your dentist will enlighten e you as to how to best care for them. How do you clean your All-on-4® dental implants?

  • Flossing to remove the food particles that might be stuck under them
  • Use an electric toothbrush to brush them. It cleans more effectively
  • Rinse your mouth with water and an antibacterial mouth rinse

Also, plan regular checkups so any issues can be resolved before they become more serious. During the checkups, your specialist will remove any plaque and stains that you cannot remove at home. If you are looking for an All-on-4® centre for a consultation or to undergo a procedure, Next Smile™ Gold Coast is the place to go. Visit our website or contact us for more information on All-on-4® with dental implants. 

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