04 Jun

Dental implants are quite expensive but are quality and made to last. Since they are made to be strong, they last for a long time. The two main things used in making permanent dental implants Wollongong are metal and porcelain. When implants are made and fixed well, they look real and function well. If proper care is not taken, implants can be destroyed. If you bite food too hard, your implant can break. 

How Long Can Dental Implants Stay In Good Condition?

 If you take care of your teeth well, your dental implants can last a lifetime. That is why dental implants are the perfect tooth replacement. No matter the kind of dental implant you do, it can get damaged. Unlike other forms of dental restorations, dental implants are so strong. Their success rate is also the highest. If a professional installs your dental implant, it has a 98% chance of functioning perfectly. Next Smile Wollongong is one of the best restorative dental clinics around. 

How Dental Implants Can Be Broken Or Damaged?

 Three main things make permanent dental implants Wollongong. They are titanium post, crown, and abutment. Even though the whole restoration is called dental implants, you can refer to titanium screws as the implant. You can consider going for Wollongong all on 4. The majority of the time, the titanium post never gets damaged. When installed carefully, it stays inside the bone. At times, damaged dental implants result from gum disease.      As abutments can be damaged, the crown can also be damaged. The damage will likely be from stress. When such a thing happens, one’s teeth can break. You don’t have to panic if your implants get broken. First of all, you have to keep the pieces you can find when your teeth break. Then fix an appointment with your dentist. The dentist will decide on the right way to solve your problem. You will either have to reset to the implant or make a crown. 

The Solution To Broken Or Damaged Dental Implants

 If you only have a problem with an abutment, all your dentist will do is replace the parts of your implant that broke. The same thing applies to people that have a problem with their crown. If you break your crown, a mold of your mouth will be taken by the dentist. The mold will be used to make another crown that fits your mouth. It will look real. The procedure is similar to the one used on natural teeth. If it is the post that gets damaged, you might get involved in more complicated processes. Next smile focuses on providing patients with standard restorative dental solutions. Their qualified professionals offer a wide range of dental implant services. For more information, you can reach us on 1300 625 628 or visit Next Smile

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