Your oral health plays an essential role in your general health, but did you know that it also has a significant impact on your overall wellbeing? That's right, having poor oral health can contribute to major diseases and illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and various types of cancer.
Yes, your oral health can affect your general health. Many people don't think of their oral health when talking about their public health, but that doesn't mean they aren't related. Although your dental and medical treatments are often separate, a few conditions can require you to take care of your teeth as well as any medications or other health-related issues you may be dealing with.
You're constantly sick, and you don't know why - can a lack of dental care be to blame? It's possible. Oral health issues can cause infections that spread throughout your body and eventually make you very ill. You have a persistent sore throat that won't go away - You have a persistent sore throat that won't go away. You keep getting headaches and can't seem to shake them. You continue to get cavities and experience halitosis or bad breath. These conditions may be signs of poor oral health. You've been battling acne, psoriasis or other skin conditions for years - Clear, healthy skin starts with a healthy gut and a balanced immune system. When your body is working as it should, you're less likely to suffer from conditions like acne and psoriasis. The mouth is the gateway to your gut. Your teeth hurt when you eat certain foods, or it feels like they are getting loose - Your teeth hurt when you eat certain foods or feel like they are getting loose. You find your gums are bleeding. These are all signs that something is wrong with your mouth. All of these could be signing your oral health is directly affecting your general health and there are things you can do about it. It's essential to keep your mouth healthy and clean, not just for the sake of your oral health but also because a dirty mouth can cause a whole host of health issues elsewhere in the body. If you need oral health services such as All-on-4® dental implants, visit the Next Smile™ Wollongong website to book an appointment.